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Întrebări frecvente


Blow guns with pressure regulator, plastic, Safety
Corp al pistolului
Presiune de lucru max.
max. 8 bari 
-20 °C to +60 °C 
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Corp al pistolului
  • POM 
Presiune de lucru max.
  • max. 8 bari 
  • -20 °C to +60 °C 
Tip constructiv - element suplimentar
  • with pressure regulator 
Ţeavă de aer
  • alamă nichelată 
Numărul de tarif vamal
  • 84242000 
Toate caracteristicile

Descrierea produsului

Alte date sunt disponibile la cerere.
Pressure regulating safety version. Ergonomic grip with a very high blowing force. Several possible hanging points thanks to the modified handle. Robust yet lightweight for a long service life. With its ergonomic design, the gun can be used by both left and right-handed users! The integrated tube regulator reduces the output pressure to a safe value in the event of blockage inside the tube or in case of back pressure (e.g. if the gun is placed on a surface or on the operator's skin).

Product variants

4 Results
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manşon LW 6 
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manşon LW 9 
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manşon LW 13 
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racord de conectare pentru cuplaje DN 7,2 - 7,8 
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